viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

i love pets!!

well, i want to tell everybody how much i love pets, since i was 1 year i think that i wanted to have a pet, but my parents never gave one, not even a chiken or bunny nothing!
Every time they said to me that i will get a pet when i will live in a house. 
Now i live in a house and i have my beauty cat Tomi, he has 1 year and my parents didn ´t gave me , it was a friend who gift me my little baby Tom and then i bring him to my home and i  dind´t said nothing to my parents.
When they saw the cat i recibed a lot of screams but two days later they love my Tomi Tom because he was a baby just whith two months and it was so cute. Now he sleep whith me or my sister, her second mom and sometimes whit my parents. Sometimes my mother wants to kill my cat because he is a destroyer and my mother is so allergic so is another thing to hate him, but i know that she loves him a bit.
here i have a picture of my baby

When i will live alone i will have a lot of pets, a duck ( i really love ducks), a dog, a cat maybe a horse and a fish and other cat too.

2 comentarios:

  1. Your Tom is really cute! He looks like Coto (
    I understant to your mom, i'm allergic too, it's really bad :c
    Having pets it's the best thing in the world. I would like to have a thousand of dogs, ajajajajaj

  2. your cat its so cute, little Tomi <3 invite me to your home please jeje
